You Are Encouraging Pastors Around the World

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The goal of Praying for Pastors is to encourage and empower Christians to pray daily for their pastors.
Your support enables Christians from around the world to receive the daily prayer emails in Praying for Pastors. Each month over 30,000 emails are sent to church members empowering them to pray for their pastor.
Thank you for being a part of making a difference in the lives of pastors and church members.
Your support keeps the prayer emails going.

We provide Praying for Pastors free of charge through a “Pay it Forward” program. Your donation will provide Praying for Pastors to someone new, just as someone else sponsored your enrollment. Join with us in encouraging 100,000 church members to pray for their pastor.

Praying for Pastors is a ministry of National Prayer Room, a registered US 501c3 non-profit.

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